
Biophilic design by deny amiga

Biophilic design is a concept that is gaining popularity in the architecture industry due to its numerous benefits. It is all about bringing the outdoors inside and connecting with nature in our built environment. Biophilic design involves incorporating natural elements such as sunlight, greenery, water features, and natural materials into the design of our homes. By doing so, we can achieve a more peaceful, serene, and healthy living environment.

One of the significant benefits of biophilic design is the impact it has on our mental health. Studies have shown that exposure to nature and natural elements can reduce stress, increase pain tolerance, and improve mental health. By incorporating natural elements into our homes, we can create a space that promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety. It is especially important in modern times where people are increasingly spending more time indoors.

Biophilic design can also have a positive impact on physical health. For example, indoor plants can improve air quality by removing toxins and pollutants. Natural light, when used correctly, can help regulate sleep cycles and improve overall well-being.

In addition to the health benefits, biophilic design can also improve productivity, creativity, and concentration. By creating a space that is visually pleasing and calming, we can reduce distractions and increase focus.

There are many ways to incorporate biophilic design into our homes. One popular way is to include large windows that provide views of the outdoors. It creates a connection with nature and provides a sense of peace and tranquility. Another way is to include plants and greenery in the design of our homes. Plants not only improve air quality but also create a sense of calm and relaxation. Water features, such as fountains or aquariums, can also be used to create a peaceful ambiance.

Overall, biophilic design is a concept that offers numerous benefits to our physical and mental health. By incorporating natural elements into our homes, we can create a space that promotes relaxation, productivity, and well-being. So, if you are looking to build a new home or renovate your existing one, consider incorporating biophilic design elements to create a space that is not only beautiful but also good for your health.

Studio Uno Arquitectura por OpenAi by deny amiga

Studio Uno Arquitectura es un despacho líder en diseño arquitectónico en México, especializado en proyectos de vivienda vertical y horizontal, así como en desarrollos comerciales y hotelería . Con sede principalmente en la Ciudad de México y Quintana Roo, ofrecemos servicios completos de proyecto ejecutivo y proyecto de instalaciones, así como de proyecto estructural.

Nuestro equipo de arquitectos altamente capacitados y creativos se enorgullece de ofrecer soluciones arquitectónicas innovadoras y sostenibles para nuestros clientes. Nos esforzamos por comprender las necesidades y deseos de nuestros clientes y trabajamos de cerca con ellos para crear proyectos únicos y atractivos.

Además de nuestros servicios de diseño arquitectónico, también ofrecemos asesoramiento y asistencia en la obtención de permisos y trámites necesarios para la construcción de proyectos. Nos comprometemos a hacer que el proceso de construcción sea lo más suave y eficiente posible para nuestros clientes.

Si estás buscando un despacho de arquitectura confiable y creativo en México, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros en Studio Uno Arquitectura. Estaremos encantados de ayudarte a convertir tus ideas en realidad.

La arquitectura contemporánea by deny amiga

La arquitectura contemporánea se refiere a un estilo de arquitectura que se desarrolló en el siglo XX y continúa evolucionando en la actualidad. Se caracteriza por la utilización de formas simples y líneas limpias, y por la incorporación de tecnología y materiales innovadores.

Aquí hay algunos estilos de arquitectura contemporánea comunes:

  1. Arquitectura de vanguardia: Estilo caracterizado por formas audaces y innovadoras, y por la utilización de materiales y tecnología avanzada.

  2. Arquitectura minimalista: Estilo que se caracteriza por la simplicidad y la reducción al mínimo de elementos no esenciales.

  3. Arquitectura moderna: Estilo que se basa en la simplicidad y la funcionalidad, y que se caracteriza por la utilización de formas geométricas y líneas limpias.

  4. Arquitectura posmoderna: Estilo que se caracteriza por la incorporación de elementos históricos y culturales en edificios modernos.

  5. Arquitectura ecológica: Estilo que se centra en la sostenibilidad y el medio ambiente, y que utiliza materiales y tecnologías que minimizan el impacto ambiental.

En resumen, la arquitectura contemporánea es una corriente en constante evolución que abarca una amplia gama de estilos y enfoques. Se caracteriza por la utilización de formas simples y líneas limpias, y por la incorporación de tecnología y materiales innovadores.



La arquitectura orgánica es un término acuñado a la integración entre las construcciones de disfrute humano y el entorno natural. Mediante las formas curvas, los espacios abiertos y la conservación o asignación de áreas verdes es posible unificar o interrelacionar a las edificaciones con el medio ambiente en que se encuentran. 

La concepción espacial es un aspecto indispensable de considerar al crear una armonía con el contexto inmediato ya que la forma, color y habitabilidad de la obra le darán ese toque de naturalidad a la construcción. Con las ideas orgánicas se pretende generar plantas libres y ornamentales y espacios consientes del movimiento y las actividades humanas para facilitar su uso y preservar la funcionalidad. 

Mistiq Villas es un proyecto residencial que une lo mejor de un estilo contemporáneo con la naturaleza y destaca entre sus elementos un elemento de diseño orgánico integrado como la recepción del recinto. El ingreso invita a pasar por el elemento orgánico como recepción y buscó que a su vez fuera funcional. Los diseños de este estilo en la arquitectura representan movimiento, promueven la relación con la naturaleza y la integración de las edificaciones con el entorno. 

Se buscó que, a su vez, creara una bienvenida iluminada, con buena ventilación y elegante, por lo que se eligieron materiales , pasta sobre acabados lisos y madera. Debido a la morfología de esta construcción, se diseñaron los muebles a medida para aprovechar al 100% el espacio. Gracias a su acceso libre es posible ver hacia el interior del lugar desde antes de ingresar, lo que crea una invitación cordial hacia los caminos verdes del complejo. 

El concepto integral del organicismo en la arquitectura busca servir al hombre y trascender de manera escultórica, estética y funcional, fomentando la integración de figuras y elementos que emanen la sensación de versatilidad y movimiento. 

Building a House in Tulum: Construction Costs by deny amiga

Building your dream home is a decision that no one takes lightly. It requires thought, research, and planning to create the space you imagine for yourself. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the things you need to consider whether you want to build a beachfront house in Tulum, build condo in Tulum or even buy any home of your choice.

Cost of Building a Property in Tulum, Mexico
Mexico is a great place to build your new home. The cost to build a house in Tulum is only 1/3 of what they would elsewhere! That's because there are so many factors that go into determining how much it costs, and not all homes have similar construction. For a basic, three-bedroom house with no closets included, you can get one for about $145,000 (which goes up depending on the desired finishes). This means inexpensive housing is possible here, but you have to know where to look and what to expect from the builder.

On the other hand, if you want to build a beachfront house in Tulum or build a condo in Tulum, the cost will depend on what standard you want it to be and whether or not you choose to have a construction company build the entire property for you. That being said, before deciding where to build your new home, consider its location carefully.

Low Cost of Labour
In Tulum, you can hire a skilled worker for as low as 200-600 pesos to do anything your heart desires. With the average labour cost to build house Tulum so cheap and most affordable in North American, it's no wonder why everyone wants their piece of the pie. It's a perfect time to invest in this part of Mexico, given its popularity and growing economy.

Local Ecology and Low-Density Construction Guidelines

The enchanting town of Tulum has a unique ecosystem that should be respected. To protect the environment, there are limits on ground cover and height in construction with regards to preserving trees. Tulum's Low-density construction guidelines are based on respect for the local ecology. The ground cover limit is 30-50%. This includes trees, grasses, and other plants such as cacti that can grow in this region. Height limits include buildings no taller than 4 floors plus rooftop (under the tree line).

Tulum has a unique ecosystem that should be respected. In order to protect the environment, there are limits on ground cover and height in construction with regards to preserving trees. Due to the classification of land as well as a low-density construction guideline, this town is not only a paradise for adventure seekers but also for real estate investors.

Great quality house with a clean and modern look using cement finish
The rise of bare walls and cement finish has been a trend for some time, but many people are unaware that this is not just an aesthetic choice. It provides low-cost buildings with high design value because it allows designers to use locally sourced materials which translates into a unique look. This is the best way to save money and enjoy one of the most popular materials for finishing a house without high construction cost in Tulum.

Building a Tulum-style home is not only easy, modern, and affordable, but it's also the perfect solution if you're looking to have an open space with minimalistic qualities. The polished concrete floors and little tile usage make this type of design very aesthetically pleasing as well, just what your dream house needs!

The cost of building materials for houses in Tulum is also quite low as cement and steel are abundant in the area. Builders pay only a third of what they would if they had to import them from other states, so it's easy to save money here! This makes construction affordable for practically anyone who is looking to build their dream home.

For example, you can see how much money you can save by building a bare wall house (with cement finish) compared to a traditional wall home. Such cheap building materials will allow you to have the house of your dreams without breaking the bank!